Praktische Tipps für Eltern.
Reading Comprehension
Welche Arten des Zuhörens gibt es? Setze an die richtigen Aussagen einen Haken. Klicke dazu in das Kästchen vor der richtigen Antwort.
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Welche Tipps zum Leseverstehen sind hilfreich? Wähle die richtige Antwort aus.
b) Markiere während des Lesens, die Wörter, die du nachschlagen musst.
c) Versuche Wörter, die du nicht verstehst, aus dem Zusammenhang herzuleiten.
d) Schlage alle Wörter, die du nicht kennst, im Wörterbuch nach.
e) Markiere im Text wichtige Stellen und Schlüsselwörter.
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In the 19 th century, industry was expanding in the US. Amercia wanted to protect its beautiful countryside, and in 1864, it became the first country in the world to officially do this. President Abraham Lincoln signed an important law that said nature areas should only be used for recreation and that they should be open for everyone to use. This law created something the world had never seen before – national parks.
The very first one was Yellowstone National Park. It was created on March 1 st, 1872, and is located in the western states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The park is home to wildlife like grizzly bears, wolves and bison. And there are about 600 species of trees and plants there! Around 2,8 million visitors come to Yellowstone every year to see the world’s famous geyser, ‘Old Faithful’. Every 90 minutes, the geyser shoots up to 32,000 liters of hot water in the air.
Including Yellowstone, there are 58 national parks in the US today. Famous national parks include Badlands National Park in South Dakota, Yosemite National Park in California, Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, and Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. And far-away states like Alaska and Hawaii also have their own national parks. Some people say that national parks were the best idea America ever had. And other countries thought so too, so today there are national parks all over the world.
Welche Aussagen stimmen? Wähle aus.
b) In 1872 an important law to protect the countryside was signed.
c) In Yellowstone live grizzly bears, wolves and bison.
d) Today, there are 58 national parks all over the world.
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In the 19 th century, industry was expanding in the US. Amercia wanted to protect its beautiful countryside, and in 1864, it became the first country in the world to officially do this. President Abraham Lincoln signed an important law that said nature areas should only be used for recreation and that they should be open for everyone to use. This law created something the world had never seen before – national parks.
The very first one was Yellowstone National Park. It was created on March 1 st, 1872, and is located in the western states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The park is home to wildlife like grizzly bears, wolves and bison. And there are about 600 species of trees and plants there! Around 2,8 million visitors come to Yellowstone every year to see the world’s famous geyser, ‘Old Faithful’. Every 90 minutes, the geyser shoots up to 32,000 liters of hot water in the air.
Including Yellowstone, there are 58 national parks in the US today. Famous national parks include Badlands National Park in South Dakota, Yosemite National Park in California, Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, and Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. And far-away states like Alaska and Hawaii also have their own national parks. Some people say that national parks were the best idea America ever had. And other countries thought so too, so today there are national parks all over the world.
Welches Bild könnte den ‘Old Faithful’ zeigen? Setze an das richtige Bild einen Haken. Klicke dazu in das Kästchen rechts oben im Bild.

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In the 19 th century, industry was expanding in the US. Amercia wanted to protect its beautiful countryside, and in 1864, it became the first country in the world to officially do this. President Abraham Lincoln signed an important law that said nature areas should only be used for recreation and that they should be open for everyone to use. This law created something the world had never seen before – national parks.
The very first one was Yellowstone National Park. It was created on March 1 st, 1872, and is located in the western states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The park is home to wildlife like grizzly bears, wolves and bison. And there are about 600 species of trees and plants there! Around 2,8 million visitors come to Yellowstone every year to see the world’s famous geyser, ‘Old Faithful’. Every 90 minutes, the geyser shoots up to 32,000 liters of hot water in the air.
Including Yellowstone, there are 58 national parks in the US today. Famous national parks include Badlands National Park in South Dakota, Yosemite National Park in California, Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, and Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. And far-away states like Alaska and Hawaii also have their own national parks. Some people say that national parks were the best idea America ever had. And other countries thought so too, so today there are national parks all over the world.
Beantworte die Frage und trage ein.
b) Wie heißt der berühmte National Park in Kalifornien?
c) Wie lautet die Übersetzung "für sich ausdehnen" (Infinitiv)?
d) Wie lautet die Übersetzung "Erholung"?
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