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Wie kannst du Wörter ableiten, ohne im Wörterbuch nachzuschlagen? Wähle die richtige Antwort aus.
b) durch ein anderes Wort aus der gleichen Wortfamilie
c) immer jedes einzelne Wort im Wörterbuch nachschlagen
d) von einem ähnlichen Wort aus dem Deutschen
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Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous detective ever known. But in fact he is only a fictional figure created by the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The first stories of Sherlock Holmes were published in 1887, four novels and 56 short stories.
Sherlock Holmes is known for his cleverness and his logical reasoning. With the help of his friend John Watson, a doctor and surgeon, he is able to solve the most difficult cases. Holmes and Watson live together in a flat at 221B Baker Street.
Hat Sherlock Holmes tatsächlich gelebt? Setze an die richtigen Aussagen einen Haken. Klicke dazu in das Kästchen vor der richtigen Antwort.

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Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous detective ever known. But in fact he is only a fictional figure created by the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The first stories of Sherlock Holmes were published in 1887, four novels and 56 short stories.
Sherlock Holmes is known for his cleverness and his logical reasoning. With the help of his friend John Watson, a doctor and surgeon, he is able to solve the most difficult cases. Holmes and Watson live together in a flat at 221B Baker Street.
Welche Aussagen stimmen? Wähle die richtige Antwort aus.
b) Die Geschichten bestanden aus Novellen und Kurzgeschichten.
c) Sherlock Holmes ermittelt meistens allein.
d) Sherlock Holmes ist bekannt für seinen messerscharfen Verstand.
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Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous detective ever known. But in fact he is only a fictional figure created by the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The first stories of Sherlock Holmes were published in 1887, four novels and 56 short stories.
Sherlock Holmes is known for his cleverness and his logical reasoning. With the help of his friend John Watson, a doctor and surgeon, he is able to solve the most difficult cases. Holmes and Watson live together in a flat at 221B Baker Street.
Finde im Text den englischen Begriff für folgende Wörter und trage ihn ein:
b) erdichtet
c) logisches Denken
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