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Welche Vorgehensweise ist richtig, wenn man einen englischen Text liest? Wähle die richtige Antwort aus.
b) Versuchen, die Wörter, aus dem Zusammenhang zu erschließen.
c) Manche Wörter erschließen sich über die Wortfamilie.
d) Manchmal kann man sie sich vom Deutschen herleiten.
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Amphibians can be divided into three main groups: caecilians, frogs and toads, newts and salamanders. They are cold-blooded and not able to regulate their own body temperature.
Amphibians are vertebrates. That means they have a backbone. 416 to 359 millions of years ago, they developed from fishes. Amphibians spend part of their lives in water, part on land. They can be found near water in moist places. This is important to keep them from drying out.
Amphibians undergo metamorphosis. They develop from larva with gills to an adult form with lungs. Furthermore, they breathe through their skin.
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Amphibians can be divided into three main groups: caecilians, frogs and toads, newts and salamanders. They are cold-blooded and not able to regulate their own body temperature.
Amphibians are vertebrates. That means they have a backbone. 416 to 359 millions of years ago, they developed from fishes. Amphibians spend part of their lives in water, part on land. They can be found near water in moist places. This is important to keep them from drying out.
Amphibians undergo metamorphosis. They develop from larva with gills to an adult form with lungs. Furthermore, they breathe through their skin.
Welche Aussagen stimmen? Wähle die richtige Antwort aus.
b) Sie sind Warmblüter.
c) Salamander beispielsweise gehören zu den Amphibien.
d) Amphibien unterlaufen während ihres Lebens einer Metamorphe, sie verwandeln sich von Larven, die durch Kiemen atmen zu ausgewachsenen Amphibien, die durch die Lunge atmen können.
e) Vor 416 bis 359 Millionen Jahren haben sich Amphibien aus Fröschen entwickelt.
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Amphibians can be divided into three main groups: caecilians, frogs and toads, newts and salamanders. They are cold-blooded and not able to regulate their own body temperature.
Amphibians are vertebrates. That means they have a backbone. 416 to 359 millions of years ago, they developed from fishes. Amphibians spend part of their lives in water, part on land. They can be found near water in moist places. This is important to keep them from drying out.
Amphibians undergo metamorphosis. They develop from larva with gills to an adult form with lungs. Furthermore, they breathe through their skin.
Trage die richtige Übersetzung folgender Wörter ein.
b) Was bedeutet lungs? -
c) Was bedeutet moist? - f
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