Praktische Tipps für Eltern.
If-clauses: Welche Zeiten passen zu dem jeweiligen Typ? Ordne zu. Markiere dazu nacheinander die zusammengehörigen Felder.
Typ I drückt tatsächliche oder mögliche Ereignisse in der Zukunft aus.
Typ II drückt Ereignisse aus, die wahrscheinlich nicht eintreten werden.
If-Satz/Nebensatz: simple present Hauptsatz: will-future
If-Satz/Nebensatz: simple past Hauptsatz: conditional I
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Welche Form passt? Wähle aus.

a) If I meet Sam I
him his present.
b) Sue will write a long letter if she to France.
c) If I were rich I around the world.
d) Ellen would visit the Louvre if she in Paris.
b) Sue will write a long letter if she to France.
c) If I were rich I around the world.
d) Ellen would visit the Louvre if she in Paris.
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Welche Konjunktionen passen zu den jeweiligen Adverbialsätzen? Ordne zu. Markiere dazu nacheinander die zusammengehörigen Felder.
as soon as
so that
adverbial clause of time
adverbial clause of reason
adverbial clause of concession
adverbial clause of purpose
adverbial clause of place
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Schreibe die passenden Relativpronomen in die Lücken.

a) This is the boy
lives next door.
b) Do you mean the boy mother is a teacher?
c) Yes exactly. He has a dog is always lying on the street.
d) Now I know. It is the boy I talked to yesterday.
b) Do you mean the boy mother is a teacher?
c) Yes exactly. He has a dog is always lying on the street.
d) Now I know. It is the boy I talked to yesterday.
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Versuch es noch einmal!
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