

Lies den Text genau durch.

The original Seven Wonders of the World are spectacular manmade buildings. They were created in ancient times but most of them don’t exist any more. We come to know about them from documents of travellers or historians.
The Colossus of Rhodes is a statue ot the Titan Helios which is 33 metres tall. It could be admired at the Greek island. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Turkey was built in the fourth century B.C. It served as a burial tomb of King Mausolus. The Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt was the world’s first lighthouse which used mirrows. It could reflect light more than 35 miles off-shore. The Statue of Zeus was built in the fifth century to honour the Greek god. It was 12 metres in height. The Great Pyramid of Giza, probably the most famous of all, still exists. It was built about 2600 B.C. as a tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located in Iraq. Last but not least the Temple of Artemis. It was built at Ephesus in Turkey in honour of the goddess of the hunt.

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The original Seven Wonders of the World are spectacular manmade buildings. They were created in ancient times but most of them don’t exist any more. We come to know about them from documents of travellers or historians.
The Colossus of Rhodes is a statue ot the Titan Helios which is 33 metres tall. It could be admired at the Greek island. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Turkey was built in the fourth century B.C. It served as a burial tomb of King Mausolus. The Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt was the world’s first lighthouse which used mirrows. It could reflect light more than 35 miles off-shore. The Statue of Zeus was built in the fifth century to honour the Greek god. It was 12 metres in height. The Great Pyramid of Giza, probably the most famous of all, still exists. It was built about 2600 B.C. as a tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located in Iraq. Last but not least the Temple of Artemis. It was built at Ephesus in Turkey in honour of the goddess of the hunt.

Welches Weltwunder wurde nicht genannt? Setze an die richtigen Aussagen einen Haken. Klicke dazu in das Kästchen vor der richtigen Antwort.

der Koloss von Rhodos
das Mausoleum von Halicarnassus
die Hängenden Gärten
das Taj Mahal
die Pyramide von Gizeh

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The original Seven Wonders of the World are spectacular manmade buildings. They were created in ancient times but most of them don’t exist any more. We come to know about them from documents of travellers or historians.
The Colossus of Rhodes is a statue ot the Titan Helios which is 33 metres tall. It could be admired at the Greek island. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Turkey was built in the fourth century B.C. It served as a burial tomb of King Mausolus. The Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt was the world’s first lighthouse which used mirrows. It could reflect light more than 35 miles off-shore. The Statue of Zeus was built in the fifth century to honour the Greek god. It was 12 metres in height. The Great Pyramid of Giza, probably the most famous of all, still exists. It was built about 2600 B.C. as a tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located in Iraq. Last but not least the Temple of Artemis. It was built at Ephesus in Turkey in honour of the goddess of the hunt.

Welche Aussagen stimmen? Wähle die richtige Antwort aus.

a) Die Weltwunder sind uns aus Reiseberichten und historischen Dokumenten bekannt.

b) Das Mausoleum von Halicarnassus diente als Grab des Königs Maussolos.

c) Die Statue des Zeus war 20 Meter hoch.

d) Der Tempel der Artemis wurde zu Ehren der Göttin der Jagd gebaut.

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The original Seven Wonders of the World are spectacular manmade buildings. They were created in ancient times but most of them don’t exist any more. We come to know about them from documents of travellers or historians.
The Colossus of Rhodes is a statue ot the Titan Helios which is 33 metres tall. It could be admired at the Greek island. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Turkey was built in the fourth century B.C. It served as a burial tomb of King Mausolus. The Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt was the world’s first lighthouse which used mirrows. It could reflect light more than 35 miles off-shore. The Statue of Zeus was built in the fifth century to honour the Greek god. It was 12 metres in height. The Great Pyramid of Giza, probably the most famous of all, still exists. It was built about 2600 B.C. as a tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located in Iraq. Last but not least the Temple of Artemis. It was built at Ephesus in Turkey in honour of the goddess of the hunt.

Welches Weltwunder existiert noch heute? Setze an die richtigen Aussagen einen Haken. Klicke dazu in das Kästchen vor der richtigen Antwort.

the Temple of Artemis
the Colossus of Rhodes
the Pyramid of Giza

Suche die unten stehenden Begriffe im Text und trage sie in die Lücken ein.

The original Seven Wonders of the World are spectacular manmade buildings. They were created in ancient times but most of them don’t exist any more. We come to know about them from documents of travellers or historians.
The Colossus of Rhodes is a statue ot the Titan Helios which is 33 metres tall. It could be admired at the Greek island. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Turkey was built in the fourth century B.C. It served as a burial tomb of King Mausolus. The Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt was the world’s first lighthouse which used mirrows. It could reflect light more than 35 miles off-shore. The Statue of Zeus was built in the fifth century to honour the Greek god. It was 12 metres in height. The Great Pyramid of Giza, probably the most famous of all, still exists. It was built about 2600 B.C. as a tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located in Iraq. Last but not least the Temple of Artemis. It was built at Ephesus in Turkey in honour of the goddess of the hunt.

a) Leuchtturm -

b) Grab -

c) Göttin -

d) Ägypten -

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